Gong xi fai cai!
I've been singing this song for the past three days of CNY. CANNOT HELP IT.
I was in Malaysia for CNY eve until the second day of lunar new year. I have to admit CNY gets more and more boring each year. I don't feel the CNY vibes at all, even after gobbling down all the cny snacks.
BUT nevertheless, anything's fun as long as we don't have school.
To start off, fireworks after the clock stroked 12!
It was mad because the residents around that area spent a crazy amount of money for fireworks. The whole area was filled with fireworks, I couldn't decide where to look lol.
Just like every other year, for day one, we went to the temple first and headed to my maternal side's grannie's place.
Just in case you got a little confused, I'm japalang for religion wise because my parents are of different religions. That's all you needa know!
This is my makeup of the day!
My makeup looks the same everyday for CNY actually HAHAHA. Just thought I could make everyday sound different and unique or something wtf.
My little red postman bag. :D
I really like it but I can't fit anything inside except for angpaos and some cash.
AND it's supposed to be dark red but my camera decided to brighten it.
I went back to Salon Vim a few days before cny and got myself matt brown hair!
Something closer to greenish ash dark brown! My previous hair was closer to yellowish brown. Did treatment too so I couldn't be bothered to style my hair for the whole of cny since it's already smooth. (I was just lazy actually.)
Lazed around my grannie's place and headed to my paternal side's grandma's place to gamble the night away with my cousins! No pictures because no makeup and in home clothes.
Outfit for Day One. Sorry to disappoint you but I really don't put in A LOT of effort in dressing up for cny hahaha.
Oh yes, my pants became too loose after a wash.
Top from Editor's Market; Pants from H&M; Bag and shoes from Bugis!
I thought I will look cool with that expression but... nope, didn't make it, awww man. D:
Second day was a better one because everybody was (except for my brother pft) at my grannie's place.
Makeup for Day two. TOLD YA IT'S THE SAME HAHAHA.
Maybe my eyeliner looks a little thinner.
Messy hair, wo zhi dao.
My nephew was at my grannie's place too!! Cutest boy on Earth I swear.
He's really really really tiny but he's already 6!!! We have the tiny human genes.
He's gonna grow up to be a heartbreaker oh no.
Also got to hang out with my cousins :D
Took polaroids together too!
Anyway, let me show you how petite my little nephew is.
Wait for it....
For once la. Everybody was so happy I finally look big what the heck. Thanks everybody, thank you all. -_-
I'm about 155cm or something. Everybody said I'm a lot taller already (not because of the picture above okay ahem) so I added 2cm to last measured HAHA.
With my little sister + my messy hair haha.
My little nephew took this pic btw LOL.
Outfit for Day two!
I like this outfit more and it's a whole lot more comfortable.
Top: Editor's Market; Pants: Bugis; Shoes; Ciaopanic from JRunway
Ending day two with a picture of my cute nephew and I HAHAHA.
I was like some psychotic aunt. "Kiss kiss kiss KISS HERE!"
On the third day, I got back to Singapore and visited Vanessa's place!
I know I will sound like a mountain tortoise who lives under a rock in the jungle but this is my virgin 拜年 trip in Singapore, excluding neighbours. LOL. I know, I know.
Two mandarin oranges for house visiting and my Lily brown convertible clutch!
Me, Yolanda, Joslyn, Yisi, Vanessa and invisible Fion who came late haha.
This is when I look extra tiny again HAHAHA haiyo.
Vanessa made sushi for us! So sweet :D
We gambled a bit and I got double As and blackjack for a few times. But my luck didn't stay with my for long T _ T NOOOOOO.
These girls are crayyyycrayyyy.
Can't put five pictures in a collage so here's Vanessa's one. Thank you for your kind hospitality! x
You don't need to take me down to the paradise city already HAHA.
Thank you girls for the day!
Thanks for reading my long ass new year post though it feels like I'm just captioning every picture HAHA.
Ending off with my super artistic picture with Vanessa's masquerade mask she got from Venice...which is $800 ohmygod.
CIAO!!! x
My cny nails done by Fabulocity!
Purposely did poker toe nails. HUAT AH!! LOL.
Post-cny promotion: Express Gelish manicure at only $20 and free return soak-off!
Promotion starts from 15 Feb 2013 and only for readers who made appointment!
Remember to quote my name when you're making an appointment for this special promotion! :D
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