My journey to a beautiful smile with TLC Dental Centre (Part 1)
I'm so excited to share this with all of you!!!
I don't think most of you can tell from my pictures, but I have this problem with my teeth that I want to get rid since FOREVER.
The problem I have is.... my bottom row of teeth is crooked.
I wouldn't say it's extremely overcrowded, but it has been quite an issue when I speak. Considering that I'm shorter than most people, it gets even more obvious as I speak since people look from top view. :(
In pictures, I can't smile with an open mouth because the crooked teeth is really obvious.
I don't really have problems with my top row of teeth but the front tooth nearer to my right is slightly crooked as well.
I always wanted to do something to straighten my teeth but it's not that serious for me to wanting to undergo the pain of traditional braces.
Ever since I heard of Invisalign, I was dying to try this procedure out since it's less painful than traditional braces, and definitely more of a breeze to getting straighter teeth!
Before I got started with Invisalign, I had to deal with some basic teeth problems first such as filling and cleaning.
I haven't been to a dentist since I graduated secondary school HAHAHA so I was expecting to hear a lot of teeth problems from my dentist but it didn't turn out as bad as I thought!
I visited TLC Dental Centre for my Invisalign.
TLC means Tender, Loving, Care and I have to say they really live by their name haha!
Dr Kevin Co helped me with my basic teeth problems.
I'm honestly very very scared of visiting the dentist since young because they ALWAYS hurt so bad but fortunately, Dr Kevin Co is the most gentle dentist I've EVER met. The entire process was painless!!!
I only needed to do some cleaning (scaling and polishing) and filling for two decaying teeth.
The result is amazing. O_O Looks like a brand new tooth HAHAHA.
If you're looking to go for a painless scaling and polishing, TLC is charging at about $70!
I also did X-ray to check my teeth structure and.... I have no wisdom tooth *flips hair*! Not sure if that makes me more stupid than average people lol OR that my brain absorbed all the wisdom so I don't have enough to grow into an extra tooth HAHA just kidding.
Whatever it is, I'm glad I don't have to undergo the pain and can start with my Invisalign right away without any extractions!!!
Side. Looks like I have a really nice jawline from here haha.
Anyway, from here, you can see that I have something like an underbite (?) and my top row protrudes more than it should. That will be something that Invisalign will be correcting!
It won't be pushed back too much, maybe just a little so my lip shape won't have a huge change. (That means I will still have perky upper lips haha).
So after the first and second visit to solve my basic teeth problems, I'm ready to get started with my Invisalign!
For the third visit, I went down to TLC to have a mold of my teeth done so they can send it to Invisalign to have my aligners done! My orthodontist who is in charge of giving me a beautiful smile is Dr Enrica Sham! :)
Orthodontists are dental specialists who diagnose, prevent, and treat dental and facial irregularities.
They specialises in all types of braces which includes Ceramic/Crystal Braces, Metal Braces, Lingual Braces and Invisalign.
So the question is....
Why is an Orthodontist better than normal dentists when it comes to treating your teeth/jaw alignment problems?
Just like you trust a cardiologist for your heart problem and a dermatologist for skin problem, an orthodontist have in-depth experience in treating your crooked teeth/jaw through a formal education program after their general dental program.
Orthodontists have the knowledge of the full range of orthodontic appliance available.
You may only see your crooked front teeth, but the orthodontists will be able to see the cause of crooked teeth and use their expertise to plan the solution to give you a healthy, attractive smile.
You may only see your crooked front teeth, but the orthodontists will be able to see the cause of crooked teeth and use their expertise to plan the solution to give you a healthy, attractive smile.
TLC Dental Centre Specialist charges for Invisalign starts from $5000* and Metal braces starts from $3900* (excluding X-Ray and Consultation).
*All prices excludes GST.
*All prices excludes GST.
I heard that other dental centre charges the exact same price but served by a normal dentist instead of a specialist. O_O
I will trust an orthodontist more since they have more knowledge about our crooked teeth and jaw!
If you will be paying the same price, might as well go for a specialist right? xD
Patients can easily find out if your dentist is a braces specialist by calling the Singapore Dental Council at (65) 6355-2401 or email to enquiries@dentalcouncil. :)
If you will be paying the same price, might as well go for a specialist right? xD
Patients can easily find out if your dentist is a braces specialist by calling the Singapore Dental Council at (65) 6355-2401 or email to enquiries@dentalcouncil.
The mold of my teeth!!! ^_^
I saw this mold of Invisalign at the dentist's desk so I have a rough gauge of how it will look like on my teeth.
It does look almost like nothing is on your teeth!!!
In case you're still unsure what Invisalign is about, it helps to straighten your teeth in the easiest and most painless way. As compared to traditional braces, it looks like you have nothing on while having your teeth straightened.
You can remove your aligners when you're eating, and put it back after. You can also brush and floss your teeth as per normal. :)
It is definitely a lot more convenient, more comfortable, and gives you more confidence during your process of teeth straightening since it looks like you have nothing on your teeth. :)
Differences between Invisalign and traditional braces!
You can visit ( to find out more about Invisalign and how it works!
After a few weeks to a month, my Invisalign arrived!!!
I rushed down to TLC lol 'cause I was too excited to get this started. The earlier it starts, the faster I can get nicer teeth with a prettier smile isn't it? :D
Dr Enrica Sham showed me the model of my teeth and how the desired shape looks after the whole process!
The red dots on the model are actually the attachments needed to move some teeth that are more difficult to move. They will try to have the attachments fixed nearer to the back so it will not be as visible when you smile. For mine, I have about one or two visible ones nearer to the front.
I have 22 pairs of aligners, we will have to wear each pair of aligners for two weeks, which means the whole process might take up to 44 weeks (about 11 months?) for mine!
My aligners!!! :D
Dr Sham gave me 3 pairs to bring home, so every 6 weeks, I will visit TLC Dental Centre to have my teeth checked, and then given another 3 pairs for another 6 weeks... and it goes on until my pretty smile comes HAHA.
Before I get to wear my aligners, Dr Sham attached the attachments on the teeth needed, and also reshaped 7 of my teeth so there will be space for my teeth to be straightened.
This is how my aligners look on me!!!
You can see my attachments. I'm wearing it for the second day now. Pain level is bearable, but definitely can feel soreness 'cause the aligners are helping to move my teeth into place. :)
My friends told me the pain and soreness will usually last about 2-3 days every two weeks once we change into a pair of new aligners. That's because the aligners will feel tighter since it's nearer and nearer to the desired shape. :D
Can't wait to see how my teeth will turn out!!!! ^_^
Will be sharing bits about my aligners as time goes by!
If you're interested to visit TLC Dental Centre, they are located at Park Mall (Dhoby Ghaut MRT, opposite Plaza Sing) #07-27!
TLC Dental Centre
Singapore 238459
Weekday – 9am to 7pm
Saturday – 9am to 4.30pm
Sunday & Public Holiday – Closed
9 Penang Road #07-27
Phone: (65) 6338 6639
Thanks for reading! :D