Hello Teddy.
Wardrobe mess does next-day & international shipping! Shop at wardrobe mess wherever you are. :D
Collections will be launched every two weeks.
Quote my name "Speishi" and get FREE NORMAL POSTAGE!
Another productive Saturday, I guess :D
Helped Jian hao & Ridhwan with filming (coming out real soon).
Glad to meet all of them again! This time round, I managed to meet....
SG TED!! It's super heavy. Didn't expect that.
Acting like they didn't know I was taking this picture LOL. Tsk.
Danial has overly sharp jawline. O_O
Dinner at Thai Express.
I called for this curry prata thing.
And if you follow me on twitter, you should've read my tweet about this CRAZY sweet curry that tasted HORRIBLE.
Looks are indeed deceiving...
Way too sweet for me! I prefer spicy and savoury kind. Sweet curry.....No.
They brought me to a short jamming session.
Nah, I'm not musically inclined so I sat there admiring how everybody else can play all the instruments and sing so well.
Blur picture of me taken by Jian Hao HAHA.
Blurry is good. At least you can't see how tired and sweaty I am LOL.
Anyway, I tried doing the Tsubasa Masuwaka inspired makeup (Pure little) and it failed terribly.
It was super last minute so I rushed everything out. In the end, I look nothing like Tsubasa.
I still managed to join the contest! I submitted another picture. :)
Go to http://www.facebook.com/ShibuyaGals.SG?sk=app_152439108153566 and find my entry!
Rachell's in this contest as well!! :D
Remember to vote for us~
Anyway, in the picture above, I used Super Barbie Bambi BROWN lens and photoshopped it green HAHAHA.
I think the lens is a little too big for me 'cause my eyes look a little unproportionate there.
I made a video once I reached home last night.
I'm really not made for making videos.
Thank you byebye~
Wardrobe mess does next-day & international shipping! Shop at wardrobe mess wherever you are. :D
Collections will be launched every two weeks.
Quote my name "Speishi" and get FREE NORMAL POSTAGE!
Another productive Saturday, I guess :D
Helped Jian hao & Ridhwan with filming (coming out real soon).
Glad to meet all of them again! This time round, I managed to meet....
SG TED!! It's super heavy. Didn't expect that.
Acting like they didn't know I was taking this picture LOL. Tsk.
Danial has overly sharp jawline. O_O
Dinner at Thai Express.
I called for this curry prata thing.
And if you follow me on twitter, you should've read my tweet about this CRAZY sweet curry that tasted HORRIBLE.
Looks are indeed deceiving...
Way too sweet for me! I prefer spicy and savoury kind. Sweet curry.....No.
They brought me to a short jamming session.
Nah, I'm not musically inclined so I sat there admiring how everybody else can play all the instruments and sing so well.
Blur picture of me taken by Jian Hao HAHA.
Blurry is good. At least you can't see how tired and sweaty I am LOL.
Anyway, I tried doing the Tsubasa Masuwaka inspired makeup (Pure little) and it failed terribly.
It was super last minute so I rushed everything out. In the end, I look nothing like Tsubasa.
I still managed to join the contest! I submitted another picture. :)
Go to http://www.facebook.com/ShibuyaGals.SG?sk=app_152439108153566 and find my entry!
Rachell's in this contest as well!! :D
Remember to vote for us~
Anyway, in the picture above, I used Super Barbie Bambi BROWN lens and photoshopped it green HAHAHA.
I think the lens is a little too big for me 'cause my eyes look a little unproportionate there.
I made a video once I reached home last night.
I'm really not made for making videos.
Thank you byebye~