DIY: Studded denim bag
I went to Topshop the other day and immediately fell in love with this studded denim backpack!!
I remember I have this 'meh' denim bag that I haven't used so I decided to do something to it.
This is the 'meh' bag!
Got my dad to take the metal badass off.
I bought these gold paper fasteners donkey years ago. You can get them from any stationery shops.
I'll prefer the silver one but I already have these so might as well...
I used the sharp end of the compass (the one you use to draw circles in your mathematical set lol) to poke some holes for the paper fasteners.
And the end result...
You'll need more than a hundred fasteners so get a few more packets if you want to do this.
I'll definitely add more 'studs' when I have the time to! :D
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